BioNART: A Biomedical Non-AutoRegressive Transformer for Natural Language Generation

Masaki Asada, Makoto Miwa

BioNLP and BioNLP-ST 2023 Short paper Paper

TLDR: We propose a novel Biomedical domain-specific Non-AutoRegressive Transformer model for natural language generation: BioNART. Our BioNART is based on an encoder-decoder model, and both encoder and decoder are compatible with widely used BERT architecture, which allows benefiting from publicly availab
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Abstract: We propose a novel Biomedical domain-specific Non-AutoRegressive Transformer model for natural language generation: BioNART. Our BioNART is based on an encoder-decoder model, and both encoder and decoder are compatible with widely used BERT architecture, which allows benefiting from publicly available pre-trained biomedical language model checkpoints. We performed additional pre-training and fine-tuned BioNART on biomedical summarization and doctor-patient dialogue tasks. Experimental results show that our BioNART achieves about 94% of the ROUGE score to the pre-trained autoregressive model while realizing an 18 times faster inference speed on the iCliniq dataset.