[Industry] RadLing: Towards Efficient Radiology Report Understanding

Rikhiya Ghosh, Oladimeji Farri, Sanjeev Kumar Karn, Manuela Danu, Ramya Vunikili, Larisa Micu

Industry: Industry Industry Paper

Session 5: Industry (Poster)
Conference Room: Frontenac Ballroom and Queen's Quay
Conference Time: July 11, 16:15-17:45 (EDT) (America/Toronto)
Global Time: July 11, Session 5 (20:15-21:45 UTC)
TLDR: Most natural language tasks in the radiology domain use language models pre-trained on biomedical corpus. There are few pretrained language models trained specifically for radiology, and fewer still that have been trained in a low data setting and gone on to produce comparable results in fine-tuning...
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Abstract: Most natural language tasks in the radiology domain use language models pre-trained on biomedical corpus. There are few pretrained language models trained specifically for radiology, and fewer still that have been trained in a low data setting and gone on to produce comparable results in fine-tuning tasks. We present RadLing, a continuously pretrained language model using ELECTRA-small architecture, trained using over 500K radiology reports that can compete with state-of-the-art results for fine tuning tasks in radiology domain. Our main contribution in this paper is knowledge-aware masking which is an taxonomic knowledge-assisted pre-training task that dynamically masks tokens to inject knowledge during pretraining. In addition, we also introduce an knowledge base-aided vocabulary extension to adapt the general tokenization vocabulary to radiology domain.