UMR-Writer 2.0: Incorporating a New Keyboard Interface and Workflow into UMR-Writer

Sijia Ge, Jin Zhao, Kristin Wright-bettner, Skatje Myers, Nianwen Xue, Martha Palmer

The 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII) \\ @ ACL 2023 Short paper (4 pages) Paper

TLDR: UMR-Writer is a web-based tool for annotating semantic graphs with the Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) scheme. UMR is a graph-based semantic representation that can be applied cross-linguistically for deep semantic analysis of texts. In this work, we implemented a new keyboard interface in UMR-
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Abstract: UMR-Writer is a web-based tool for annotating semantic graphs with the Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) scheme. UMR is a graph-based semantic representation that can be applied cross-linguistically for deep semantic analysis of texts. In this work, we implemented a new keyboard interface in UMR-Writer 2.0, which is a powerful addition to the original mouse interface, supporting faster annotation for more experienced annotators. The new interface also addresses issues with the original mouse interface. Additionally, we demonstrate an efficient workflow for annotation project management in UMR-Writer 2.0, which has been applied to many projects.