How Well Apply Simple MLP to Incomplete Utterance Rewriting?
Jiang Li, Xiangdong Su, Xinlan Ma, Guanglai Gao
Main: Dialogue and Interactive Systems Main-poster Paper
Session 7: Dialogue and Interactive Systems (Virtual Poster)
Conference Room: Pier 7&8
Conference Time: July 12, 11:00-12:30 (EDT) (America/Toronto)
Global Time: July 12, 15:00-16:30 UTC / 15:00-16:30 GMT
conversational modeling
Incomplete utterance rewriting (IUR) aims to restore the incomplete utterance with sufficient context information for comprehension. This paper introduces a simple yet efficient IUR method. Different from prior studies, we first employ only one-layer \textbf{M}LP architecture to mine latent semanti...
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Incomplete utterance rewriting (IUR) aims to restore the incomplete utterance with sufficient context information for comprehension. This paper introduces a simple yet efficient IUR method. Different from prior studies, we first employ only one-layer \textbf{M}LP architecture to mine latent semantic information between joint utterances for \textbf{IUR} task (\textbf{MIUR}). After that, we conduct a joint feature matrix to predict the token type and thus restore the incomplete utterance. The well-designed network and simple architecture make our method significantly superior to existing methods in terms of quality and inference speed{Our code is available at {}}.