NusaCrowd: Open Source Initiative for Indonesian NLP Resources

Samuel Cahyawijaya, Holy Lovenia, Alham Fikri Aji, Genta Indra Winata, Bryan Wilie, Fajri Koto, Rahmad Mahendra, Christian Wibisono, Ade Romadhony, Karissa Vincentio, Jennifer Santoso, David Moeljadi, Cahya Wirawan, Frederikus Hudi, Muhammad Satrio Wicaksono, Ivan Halim Parmonangan, Ika Alfina, Ilham Firdausi Putra, Samsul Rahmadani, Yulianti Oenang, Ali Akbar Septiandri, James Jaya, Kaustubh Dhole, Arie Suryani, Rifki Afina Putri, Dan Su, Keith David Stevens, Made Nindyatama Nityasya, Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Ryan Ignatius Hadiwijaya, Ryandito Diandaru, Tiezheng Yu, Vito Ghifari, Wenliang Dai, Yan Xu, Dyah Inastra Damapuspita, Haryo Akbarianto Wibowo, Cuk Tho, Ichwanul Muslim Karo Karo, Tirana Noor Fatyanosa, Ziwei Ji, Graham Neubig, Timothy Baldwin, Sebastian Ruder, Pascale Fung, Herry Sujaini, Sakriani Sakti, Ayu Purwarianti

Findings: Resources and Evaluation Findings Paper

Session 7: Resources and Evaluation (Virtual Poster)
Conference Room: Pier 7&8
Conference Time: July 12, 11:00-12:30 (EDT) (America/Toronto)
Global Time: July 12, Session 7 (15:00-16:30 UTC)
Spotlight Session: Spotlight - Metropolitan East (Spotlight)
Conference Room: Metropolitan East
Conference Time: July 10, 19:00-21:00 (EDT) (America/Toronto)
Global Time: July 10, Spotlight Session (23:00-01:00 UTC)
Keywords: benchmarking, language resources, multilingual corpora, nlp datasets, automatic evaluation of datasets, evaluation, reproducibility
Languages: indonesian, banjar, batak toba, madura, ngaju, lampung nyo, batak karo, tok pisin, tetun dili, dayak, khek, tiociu, minangkabau, acehnese, buginese, sundanese, javenese, balinese, batak
TLDR: We present NusaCrowd, a collaborative initiative to collect and unify existing resources for Indonesian languages, including opening access to previously non-public resources. Through this initiative, we have brought together 137 datasets and 118 standardized data loaders. The quality of the dataset...
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Abstract: We present NusaCrowd, a collaborative initiative to collect and unify existing resources for Indonesian languages, including opening access to previously non-public resources. Through this initiative, we have brought together 137 datasets and 118 standardized data loaders. The quality of the datasets has been assessed manually and automatically, and their value is demonstrated through multiple experiments. NusaCrowd's data collection enables the creation of the first zero-shot benchmarks for natural language understanding and generation in Indonesian and the local languages of Indonesia. Furthermore, NusaCrowd brings the creation of the first multilingual automatic speech recognition benchmark in Indonesian and the local languages of Indonesia. Our work strives to advance natural language processing (NLP) research for languages that are under-represented despite being widely spoken.