NLPeople at SemEval-2023 Task 2: A Staged Approach for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition
Mohab Elkaref, Nathan Herr, Shinnosuke Tanaka, Geeth De Mel
The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023) Task 2: multiconer ii multilingual complex named entity recognition Paper
The MultiCoNER II shared task aims at detecting complex, ambiguous named entities with fine-grained types in a low context setting. Previous winning systems incorporated external knowledge bases to retrieve helpful contexts. In our submission we additionally propose splitting the NER task into two s
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The MultiCoNER II shared task aims at detecting complex, ambiguous named entities with fine-grained types in a low context setting. Previous winning systems incorporated external knowledge bases to retrieve helpful contexts. In our submission we additionally propose splitting the NER task into two stages, a Span Extraction Step, and an Entity Classification step. Our results show that the former does not suffer from the low context setting comparably, and in so leading to a higher overall performance for an external KB-assisted system. We achieve 3rd place on the multilingual track and an average of 6th place overall.