Bhattacharya_Lab at SemEval-2023 Task 12: A Transformer-based Language Model for Sentiment Classification for Low Resource African Languages: Nigerian Pidgin and Yoruba

Nathaniel Hughes, Kevan Baker, Aditya Singh, Aryavardhan Singh, Tharalillah Dauda, Sutanu Bhattacharya

The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023) Task 12: afrisenti-semeval: sentiment analysis for low-resource african languages using twitter dataset Paper

TLDR: Sentiment Analysis is an aspect of natural languageprocessing (NLP) that has been a topicof research. While most studies focus on highresourcelanguages with an extensive amountof available data, the study on low-resource languageswith insufficient data needs attention.To address this issue, we propo
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Abstract: Sentiment Analysis is an aspect of natural languageprocessing (NLP) that has been a topicof research. While most studies focus on highresourcelanguages with an extensive amountof available data, the study on low-resource languageswith insufficient data needs attention.To address this issue, we propose a transformerbasedmethod for sentiment analysis for lowresourcesAfrican languages, Nigerian Pidginand Yoruba. To evaluate the effectiveness ofour multilingual language models for monolingualsentiment classification, we participated inthe AfriSenti SemEval shared task 2023 competition.On the official e valuation s et, ourgroup (named as Bhattacharya\_Lab) ranked1 out of 33 participating groups in the MonolingualSentiment Classification task (i.e., TaskA) for Nigerian Pidgin (i.e., Track 4), and inthe Top 5 among 33 participating groups inthe Monolingual Sentiment Classification taskfor Yoruba (i.e., Track 2) respectively, demonstratingthe potential for our transformer-basedlanguage models to improve sentiment analysisin low-resource languages. Overall, ourstudy highlights the importance of exploringthe potential of NLP in low-resource languagesand the impact of transformer-based multilinguallanguage models in sentiment analysis forthe low-resource African languages, NigerianPidgin and Yoruba.