Tenzin-Gyatso at SemEval-2023 Task 4: Identifying Human Values behind Arguments Using DeBERTa

Pavan Kandru, Bhavyajeet Singh, Ankita Maity, Kancharla Aditya Hari, Vasudeva Varma

The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023) Task 4: valueeval: identification of human values behind arguments Paper

TLDR: Identifying human values behind arguments isa complex task which requires understandingof premise, stance and conclusion together. Wepropose a method that uses a pre-trained lan-guage model, DeBERTa, to tokenize and con-catenate the text before feeding it into a fullyconnected neural network. We als
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Abstract: Identifying human values behind arguments isa complex task which requires understandingof premise, stance and conclusion together. Wepropose a method that uses a pre-trained lan-guage model, DeBERTa, to tokenize and con-catenate the text before feeding it into a fullyconnected neural network. We also show thatleveraging the hierarchy in values improves theperformance by .14 F1 score.