Generative Pretrained Transformers for Emotion Detection in a Code-Switching Setting

Andrew Nedilko

The 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis Long Paper

TLDR: This paper describes the approach that we utilized to participate in the shared task for multi-label and multi-class emotion classification organized as part of WASSA 2023 at ACL 2023. The objective was to build mod- els that can predict 11 classes of emotions, or the lack thereof (neutral class) ba
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Abstract: This paper describes the approach that we utilized to participate in the shared task for multi-label and multi-class emotion classification organized as part of WASSA 2023 at ACL 2023. The objective was to build mod- els that can predict 11 classes of emotions, or the lack thereof (neutral class) based on code- mixed Roman Urdu and English SMS text messages. We participated in Track 2 of this task - multi-class emotion classification (MCEC). We used generative pretrained transformers, namely ChatGPT because it has a commercially available full-scale API, for the emotion detec- tion task by leveraging the prompt engineer- ing and zero-shot / few-shot learning method- ologies based on multiple experiments on the dev set. Although this was the first time we used a GPT model for the purpose, this ap- proach allowed us to beat our own baseline character-based XGBClassifier, as well as the baseline model trained by the organizers (bert- base-multilingual-cased). We ranked 4th and achieved the macro F1 score of 0.7038 and the accuracy of 0.7313 on the blind test set.